Estonia – Latvia programme 2014 – 2020 Project “Improvement of sailing infrastructure and yacht harbours network building in Estonia and Latvia” (#55 EST-LAT HARBOURS)

Project objective is to improve sailing infrastructure and build a network of harbours in Estonia and Latvia to promote East Baltic as the sailing destination.

Project background and cross-border nature:
Coastline of Latvia and Estonia forms a joint sea basin and jointly can offer one of the four main destinations in the Baltic Sea for sailors – East Baltic. The coastline and islands carry unique cultural and natural heritage, clean nature and safe conditions – excellent preconditions for benefitting from maritime travel and developing tourism. To establish well-functioning sea routes that connect coastal areas and activate maritime traffic it is necessary to improve infrastructure and technical capacities of small harbours to enable them to offer services corresponding to common standards to sailors and fulfil their expectations they are used to by sailing whole Baltic sea and other sea routes in Europe and other destinations.

Main activities

Activities implemented will be focused at two main directions:

  1. Investments in harbours aiming to develop equal standards in project partners’ harbours to ensure the that whole sailing network is safe, equipped and offers basic services – safe navigation conditions, safe mooring places, drinking water and electricity on the pier, available toilet and shower, ensured Wi-Fi and safety equipment. Depth of the fairway at the ports will be at least 2,5m. Following activities are planned – dredging works, building breakwaters, strengthening the coast, installing navigation signs and buoys, increasing number of mooring places by reconstruction piers and installing floating piers; introducing wastewater reception in the harbour and installing video surveillance systems, fencing and securing the area, building and improving service buildings for sailors. Several harbours shall expand services by offering outdoor and indoor storage during the offseason.
  2. Marketing activities of the network are aimed to attract visitors from main target markets – Finland, Sweden, Germany and Poland, as well to ensure more cross-border sails between Latvia and Estonia. Common cruising guide ad network map will be produced, destination – East Baltic will be represented in four boat shows during three years – in Germany, Finland, Sweden and Poland. Promotion will be done also online via social media and by common Internet page. Project results and achievements will be represented in the main events and conferences, which relates maritime thematic in the Baltic Sea region.

Implementation period of the project: June 1, 2017- 31 May 31, 2020

Project budget: 
EUR 10 981 270,62 (incl. EUR 9 334 079,99 ERDF and EUR 1 647 190,63 partner co-financing)

Partnership of the project

Project is implemented in partnership of 23 partners. Kurzeme Planning Region is a Lead Partner of the project and coordinates project activities in Kurzeme region. Partner harbours involved in the project in Kurzeme Planning Region are: Yach Harbour of Liepaja special economic zone authority, “Liepāja Marina”, Ltd., Pavilosta Port authority, “AK Pāvilosta Marina”, Ltd., “New Yacht Marina” in Ventspils port, Roja Port authority and “Kurland”, Ltd. and Mērsrags Port authority.

Riga Planning Region coordinates project activities in Riga region. Partner harbours involved in the project in Riga Planning  Region are: Salacgriva Port authority, Skulte Port authority (Riga Yacht Club), Riga Free Port authority, Jurmala Port authority and Engure Port authority.

Estonian Small Harbour Development Center cooridnates project activities in Estonia. Partner harbours involved in Estonia are: “Saarte Liinid” Ltd. (Ringstu and Munalaiu harbours), Kihnu Municipality (Suaru harbour), “Wetmen” Ltd. (Jaagupi harbour), Tostamaa Municipality (Varati harbour), “Varbla Holiday Village”, Ltd. (Varbla harbour),  “Lõunaranna Investeeringud”, Ltd. (Lounaranna harbour),“Koiguste Marina”, Ltd. (Koiguste harbour), “Port of Montu”, Ltd. (Montu harbour).

Project target group

  • Local and Foreign Sailors and Yacht clubs, regatta organizers and sailing associations of partner regions, sailing schools, small vessels licensing schools
  • Local public authorities include municipalities and regional authorities, tourist information centres
  • Enterprises and service providers in the harbour area

Contacts and links


Jurmala Port authority

Andrejs Bukins, Port manager

Ph. +37126516777,,


Riga Planning Region

Inga Brieze, Project Coordinator



Estonia-Latvia Cross-border cooperation programme


The above reflects author’s views and the Managing Authority of Estonia-Latvia Programme is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.